號外:BNI Blossom Chapter再次勇奪會員見證分享短片獎項!


BNI Blossom Chapter蟬聯會員見證分享短片獎項。本年度得獎影片記錄了Blossom 分會13人的市場推廣團「斗擰」,如何運用BNI平台及Power Team的力量,顛覆傳統業界生態,取代大型廣告公司,奪得全球最大教育品牌Kumon港澳區的全年市場推廣活動策劃及制作。


盼望各位會友繼續一同發揮BNI Power Team的力量,帶動生意再創新高!

Power of P.I.N.K. (Power Team ∙ Innovation ∙ Networking ∙ Knowledge)

Breaking News: BNI Blossom Chapter won the Video Testimonial Award again!

BNI, as the World’s leading business networking and referral organization, hosted the Hong Kong International Convention 2022 on July 28. To celebrate BNI’s 16th anniversary in Hong Kong, members from 15 countries and regions participated in this event.

BNI Blossom Chapter won the Video Testimonial Award in this annual convention for two consecutive years. This year, the award-winning video documented how Blossom’s marketing team, “FivePence” employed the power of the BNI platform to shake up the industry by displacing the established advertising agencies and was awarded the annual marketing campaign from the world’s largest education brand Kumon.

Once again FivePence takes this opportunity to thank all Blossom members for their ongoing support, trust, and business referrals in all these years, which fully demonstrated one of the greatest values from BNI – “Givers Gain”.

We hope all members will continue to drive their businesses to new heights with BNI’s referral power!

Power of P.I.N.K. (Power Team ∙ Innovation ∙ Networking ∙ Knowledge)


2 Responses

  1. 現今市場訊息萬變,市場營銷要更到位,更清準接觸同吸引目標客戶實在不易,市場推廣團隊[斗擰],實在是非一般團隊,集合了各精英為客人設計最佳的市場營銷方案,超越同齊。


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